The Goal

The Bens Ultra is a road ultra marathon around Washington D.C. We are going to run to every Bens Chili Bowl in the city.

At each stop the participants will be forced to consume a Chili Half Smoke. The route places around 8 miles in between each half smoke for recovery.

We will finish at Nat's Stadium, the location of the last Ben's and a Nats game.


Shoot us an email!

The Route

The Date

We will be running the Big Ben's on Friday, July 19. The game is Nationals vs Reds.

The post game concert is being performed by Carley Rae Jepsen

The start time is still TBD

The Ultra Participants

Meet the heros who are going to suffer the Bens Ultra.

Jack AKA The Wiener Warrior

Name: The Wiener Warrior

Birthplace: The Hotdog Haven

Date of Birth: Unknown

The Wiener Warrior is not just a mere individual but a legend shrouded in mystery and wrapped in a bun of bravery. Born in the hallowed grounds of the Hotdog Haven, little is known about the origins of this enigmatic figure. Some say he emerged from the flames of the grill, while others claim he was crafted by the hands of destiny itself.

From an early age, the Wiener Warrior showed an unparalleled affinity for the art of hotdogging. His passion for the perfect frankfurter was unmatched, and his skills in wielding condiments were second to none. It was said that he could dress a hotdog with such precision and grace that it brought tears to the eyes of onlookers.

As he journeyed through the culinary landscape, the Wiener Warrior faced many challenges. From the treacherous realms of ketchup wars to the spicy skirmishes of mustard battles, he emerged victorious time and time again. His courage in the face of saucy adversaries earned him the admiration of hotdog enthusiasts far and wide.

But the Wiener Warrior was not content with mere accolades. He saw the plight of those who suffered bland and uninspired hotdogs, and he vowed to bring flavor to the masses. Armed with his trusty spatula and an unwavering determination, he embarked on a quest to spread the gospel of the gourmet hotdog.

Throughout his adventures, the Wiener Warrior became more than just a culinary connoisseur. He became a symbol of hope and inspiration, reminding all who crossed his path that even the humblest of foods can be a source of joy and comfort.

Though his true identity remains a mystery, the legacy of the Wiener Warrior lives on. Whether he was a guardian sent from the heavens or simply a man with a passion for processed meats, one thing is certain: he will forever be remembered as the champion of the hotdog, the savior of savory snacks, the one and only Wiener Warrior.

Matt AKA The Glizzy Gladiator

Name: The Glizzy Gladiator

Birthplace: Sausage Sanctuary

Date of Birth: Unknown

In the heart of the Sausage Sanctuary, amidst the sizzle of grills and the aroma of spices, emerged a figure whose legend would echo through the ages - The Glizzy Gladiator. Born into a world where the humble hotdog was more than just a meal but a symbol of sustenance and strength, little is known about the origins of this mysterious warrior.

From a young age, The Glizzy Gladiator displayed an unparalleled passion for the art of hotdogging. His skills on the grill were unmatched, and his mastery of condiments was a sight to behold. It was said that he could wield a spatula with the finesse of a seasoned swordsman, turning ordinary hotdogs into culinary masterpieces.

As he journeyed through the gastronomic landscape, The Glizzy Gladiator faced countless challenges. From the fiery pits of chili con carne to the smoky arenas of barbecue battles, he emerged victorious time and time again. His bravery in the face of saucy adversaries earned him the admiration of hotdog aficionados far and wide.

But The Glizzy Gladiator was not content with mere accolades. He saw the hunger and longing in the eyes of those who yearned for a taste of perfection, and he vowed to bring the glory of the gourmet hotdog to the masses. Armed with his trusty grill and an unyielding determination, he embarked on a quest to elevate the humble hotdog to new heights.

Throughout his adventures, The Glizzy Gladiator became more than just a culinary hero. He became a symbol of resilience and fortitude, a beacon of hope for all who dared to dream of a world where every bite was a revelation.

Though his true identity remains shrouded in mystery, the legacy of The Glizzy Gladiator lives on. Whether he was a guardian sent from the heavens or simply a man with a passion for processed meats, one thing is certain: he will forever be remembered as the champion of the hotdog, the defender of deliciousness, the one and only Glizzy Gladiator.

Bronson AKA The Bratwurst Bra

Name: The Bratwurst Bra

Birthplace: Wurstville

Date of Birth: Unknown

In the picturesque village of Wurstville, nestled amidst rolling hills and fragrant meadows, there lived a culinary legend whose name would become synonymous with excellence in sausage craft - The Bratwurst Bra. Born into a world where the art of sausage-making was revered as a sacred tradition, little is known about the origins of this esteemed figure.

From a young age, The Bratwurst Bra demonstrated an innate talent for the craft of bratwurst creation. His hands possessed an almost magical touch, capable of transforming the simplest of ingredients into savory delights that would tantalize the taste buds of all who sampled them. It was said that he could season a sausage with such precision and finesse that even the most discerning palates would be left in awe.

As he honed his skills amidst the aroma of herbs and spices, The Bratwurst Bra emerged as a master of his craft. His dedication to perfection knew no bounds, and his creations garnered acclaim far and wide. From the bustling markets of Wurstville to the grandest banquets of royalty, his bratwursts were sought after by connoisseurs from every corner of the land.

But The Bratwurst Bra was not content to rest on his laurels. He saw the potential for greatness in every sausage, and he vowed to push the boundaries of flavor to new heights. Armed with his secret recipes and an unyielding passion for his art, he embarked on a quest to redefine the very essence of the bratwurst.

Throughout his journey, The Bratwurst Bra became more than just a master sausage-maker. He became a symbol of innovation and creativity, inspiring a new generation of culinary artisans to embrace tradition while daring to explore uncharted territory.

Though his true identity remains shrouded in mystery, the legacy of The Bratwurst Bra lives on. Whether he was a humble craftsman or a culinary prodigy, one thing is certain: he will forever be remembered as the champion of the bratwurst, the maestro of meat, the one and only Bratwurst Bra.

Adam AKA The Dog Daddy

Name: The Dog Daddy

Birthplace: Grill City

Date of Birth: Unknown

In the bustling streets of Grill City, where the scent of sizzling sausages filled the air, there emerged a figure whose devotion to the art of hot dogging was unparalleled - The Dog Daddy. Born into a world where the humble hot dog was celebrated as the quintessential comfort food, little is known about the origins of this revered individual.

From a young age, The Dog Daddy showed an innate talent for the craft of hot dog creation. His hands moved with the precision of a master sculptor, shaping each sausage with care and finesse. It was said that he possessed an encyclopedic knowledge of condiments, able to pair the perfect toppings with each dog to create a symphony of flavor.

As he honed his skills amidst the hustle and bustle of Grill City, The Dog Daddy emerged as a maestro of the grill. His dedication to perfection knew no bounds, and his creations soon garnered a loyal following. From street corners to food festivals, his hot dogs were sought after by hungry patrons far and wide.

But The Dog Daddy was not content with merely serving up delicious dogs. He saw the potential for greatness in every bun and sausage, and he vowed to elevate the humble hot dog to new heights. Armed with his secret recipes and an unyielding passion for his craft, he embarked on a mission to redefine the very essence of this beloved snack.

Throughout his journey, The Dog Daddy became more than just a purveyor of hot dogs. He became a symbol of innovation and creativity, inspiring a new generation of food enthusiasts to reimagine the possibilities of this timeless treat.

Though his true identity remains a mystery, the legacy of The Dog Daddy lives on. Whether he was a humble grill master or a culinary genius, one thing is certain: he will forever be remembered as the champion of the hot dog, the guardian of grill marks, the one and only Dog Daddy.

Evan AKA The Glizzy Gobbler

Name: The Glizzy Gobbler

Birthplace: Sausage Kingdom

Date of Birth: Unknown

In the heart of the illustrious Sausage Kingdom, where the aroma of sizzling meats filled the air, there emerged a figure whose voracious appetite for hot dogs was unmatched - The Glizzy Gobbler. Born into a realm where the humble hot dog reigned supreme as the king of street food, little is known about the origins of this enigmatic individual.

From a young age, The Glizzy Gobbler displayed an insatiable hunger for hot dogs. His appetite was legendary, capable of devouring dozens of sausages in a single sitting. It was said that he possessed a bottomless stomach and a palate that could discern the subtlest nuances of flavor.

As he ventured through the streets of the Sausage Kingdom, The Glizzy Gobbler became a sight to behold. Crowds would gather to witness his gastronomic feats, marveling as he consumed hot dogs with unparalleled speed and enthusiasm. His love for the humble frankfurter knew no bounds, and his passion for hot dogging became a source of inspiration for all who crossed his path.

But The Glizzy Gobbler was not content with merely indulging his own appetite. He saw the joy that hot dogs brought to others and vowed to share his passion with the world. Armed with his insatiable hunger and an unyielding love for sausage, he embarked on a quest to spread the gospel of the glizzy to every corner of the kingdom.

Throughout his journey, The Glizzy Gobbler became more than just a consumer of hot dogs. He became a symbol of indulgence and delight, reminding all who encountered him that sometimes, the simplest pleasures in life are the most satisfying.

Though his true identity remains a mystery, the legacy of The Glizzy Gobbler lives on. Whether he was a mere mortal with an extraordinary appetite or a mythical figure born from the dreams of hot dog enthusiasts, one thing is certain: he will forever be remembered as the champion of the glizzy, the devourer of dogs, the one and only Glizzy Gobbler.

Alan AKA The Wiener Wizard

Name: The Wiener Wizard

Birthplace: Flavor Kingdom

Date of Birth: Unknown

In the mystical realm of Flavor Kingdom, where the scent of spices dances on the breeze and culinary magic is woven into every dish, there emerged a figure whose mastery of the art of hot dogging was legendary - The Wiener Wizard. Born into a world where the humble hot dog was revered as a symbol of comfort and joy, little is known about the origins of this culinary sorcerer.

From a young age, The Wiener Wizard displayed an innate talent for the craft of hot dog creation. His hands moved with the precision of a wizard casting spells, transforming simple ingredients into savory delights that dazzled the taste buds. It was said that he possessed an encyclopedic knowledge of flavors and techniques, able to conjure up concoctions that delighted the senses and warmed the soul.

As he honed his skills amidst the hustle and bustle of Flavor Kingdom, The Wiener Wizard emerged as a master of his craft. His creations were sought after by kings and commoners alike, each hot dog a testament to his skill and creativity. From classic combinations to avant-garde creations, his culinary wizardry knew no bounds.

But The Wiener Wizard was not content with merely serving up delicious dogs. He saw the potential for magic in every bun and sausage, and he vowed to push the boundaries of flavor to new heights. Armed with his trusty spatula and an endless supply of imagination, he embarked on a quest to redefine the very essence of the hot dog.

Throughout his journey, The Wiener Wizard became more than just a purveyor of hot dogs. He became a symbol of innovation and inspiration, inspiring a new generation of culinary wizards to embrace tradition while daring to explore uncharted territory.

Though his true identity remains shrouded in mystery, the legacy of The Wiener Wizard lives on. Whether he was a humble cook or a true sorcerer of flavor, one thing is certain: he will forever be remembered as the champion of the hot dog, the wizard of wieners, the one and only Wiener Wizard.

Support Crew

Meet the team who is running the support vehicle.

Adam AKA Wiener Wagon

Name: The Wiener Wagon

Origin: Flavor Junction

Date of Creation: Classified

In the bustling streets of Flavor Junction, where the aroma of sizzling sausages wafts through the air, there emerged a culinary marvel that would capture the hearts and palates of food enthusiasts far and wide - The Wiener Wagon. Born from the ingenuity of its creators, little is known about the origins of this beloved food truck, for its story is as mysterious as it is delicious.

From the moment it rolled onto the scene, The Wiener Wagon captured the imagination of all who beheld it. With its vibrant colors and tantalizing aromas, it became a beacon of culinary delight in an otherwise mundane world. It was said that the mere sight of the wagon could make mouths water and stomachs rumble in anticipation.

But it was not just the spectacle of The Wiener Wagon that drew crowds—it was the quality of its offerings that truly set it apart. From classic franks to gourmet creations, each sausage served from its window was a masterpiece of flavor and innovation. It was as if the very essence of hot dogging had been distilled and infused into every bite.

As The Wiener Wagon traversed the streets of Flavor Junction, it became more than just a food truck. It became a symbol of community and camaraderie, a gathering place where strangers became friends over shared plates of sausage and mustard. Its presence brought joy and laughter to all who encountered it, turning ordinary moments into memorable experiences.

Though its true origins may remain a mystery, the legacy of The Wiener Wagon lives on. Whether it was a stroke of luck or a stroke of genius that brought it into existence, one thing is certain: it will forever be remembered as a beloved icon of Flavor Junction, the purveyor of culinary delights, the one and only Wiener Wagon.